Black Panther: Wakanda Forever director Ryan Coogler opens up on the sequel looking different from the first installment. Phase 4 is reac...
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever director Ryan Coogler opens up on the sequel looking different from the first installment. Phase 4 is reaching its end in 2022, with She-Hulk: Attorney at Law season 1 only having a few episodes left to air on Disney+ while Black Panther: Wakanda Forever will serve as the last film before Phase 5 begins in 2023. However, unlike any MCU TV show or film that has come in the last few years, the Black Panther sequel will be Phase 4's most emotional one.
While Chadwick Boseman brought T'Challa to the big screen, the 43-year-old actor sadly passed away on August 28, 2020 from colon cancer. Despite his death, the Black Panther franchise is moving forward after the first film collected $1.3 billion at the worldwide box office and became a smash hit with critics. In Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, the story follows T'Challa's family and allies dealing with the king's passing as their kingdom is invaded, while also tackling a new threat in the form of Namor, who is finally making his MCU debut.
As Black Panther: Wakanda Forever is arriving in theaters next month, the film will be different in many regards, including its look. In a new interview with EW, Coogler spoke about loss being a crucial theme to the story, but also how the addition of anamorphic lenses plays into that element from a technical standpoint. For Coogler, who also helmed the first Black Panther movie, they wanted the sequel to "feel tactile," sharing the following:
"I think this film has the fog of loss over it, and anamorphic lenses warp the image a little bit. Sometimes when you go through profound loss, it can warp how you look at the world. What we were after was just making it feel tactile, even though it felt like a dream. The film should feel like a really wild dream that you would have, but where everything felt like it was really there."
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